De Leon Elected President Pro Tem of Calif. State Senate

SACRAMENTO—On Monday, President pro Tempore of the California Senate, Darrell Steinberg, introduced SR 50, electing Senator Kevin De Leon as his successor. The measure passed with a unanimous voice vote. The newly elected President pro Tempore of the Senate, Kevin De Leon, will take office on October 15, 2014.

“The ANCA-WR congratulates Senate pro Tem elect De Leon on his new position,” said Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region chairwoman Nora Hovsepian. “We look forward to working with the California Senate under his leadership.”

De Leon currently represents a large number of Armenian-Americans in the 22nd district and has been a strong advocate of issues pertaining to the community, including Genocide recognition and the right to self-determination for the Republic of Artsakh.

De Leon was joined by members of both houses as they took the podium to voice their strong support for his election as President pro Tem. Senator De Leon expressed his deepest appreciation to his colleagues and thanked the outgoing pro Tem, Steinberg, for his dedication and leadership.