ANCA-Glendale Says: ‘Let’s Build on Our Progress’
The June 3 Special Glendale City Council elections present Armenian-American voters with two choices: a. Build on our progress, or b. Be perceived as a community that can be easily
The June 3 Special Glendale City Council elections present Armenian-American voters with two choices: a. Build on our progress, or b. Be perceived as a community that can be easily
On Sat., April 12, Armenians across the tri-state area gathered at Almayass restaurant/lounge in Manhattan for a “Fundraiser for Kessab,” and raised nearly $4,000 in aid to Syrian-Armenians displaced by
Vertreter unsere Komitees nahmen bei der Veranstaltung “Wo steht Österreich in Europa?” teil, wo der Bundespräsident der Republik Österreich, Dr. Heinz Fischer, einen Vortrag hielt.
CANBERRA: Australia’s Treasurer, the Hon. Joe Hockey MP, has become the country’s most senior government minister to place on record the historical reality of the Armenian genocide, despite his
EAFJD‘s Communications and PR officer Bedo Demirdjian on Kurdish TV MedNuce in Brussels, Müjgan Halis’ “ÖZEL PROĞRAM” on April 24, 2014, with Armenian, Kurdish, Turkish intellectuals and activists, on
Hiermit möchte sich das Österreichisch Armenische Komitee für Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie bei allen bedanken, die diese Mahnwache und die Übergabe unseres Schreibens zu einer erfolgreichen Veranstaltung
Dear Guests, At the doorsteps of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, let me extend expressions of gratitude towards the Canadian Parliament, the Senate, and the Government for their
SACRAMENTO, CA – On April 24, 2014, the California State Assembly unanimously passed a resolution honoring and commending the extraordinary service of the Near East Relief and the American people
Con una columna de gente que llegó a superar las tres cuadras, la comunidad armenia de Argentina recordó, junto a otras organizaciones y militantes por los derechos humanos, el genocidio
“It’s much harder to get tomorrow right if we get yesterday wrong.” – Chairman Ed Royce, U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, Speaking at the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Armenia